Breast pain is tightness or burning pain in the breast tissue. Sometimes the pain may be constant or may occur once in a while, and it can commonly occur in both men and women. Breast pain indicates a noncancerous breast-related condition and it rarely indicates breast cancer. Breast pain can range from severe to mild and it can occur only for a few days a month, in three or four days, and up to the menstrual period. Common Signs and Symptoms of Breast pain The Breast pain can be cyclic or noncyclic. Cyclic means that the pain which appears regularly and Noncyclic means the pain which is constant or we can say not appears regularly. Let's see some other symptoms of Cyclic breast pain & Noncyclic breast pain. Cyclic breast pain- Tender breasts Breast swelling Pain occurs cyclically same as the menstrual cycle. Breast becomes lumpy Pain can spread to the underarm. Both breasts are commonly affected, mainly the upper, outer portions. Noncyclic brea...
breast surgeon near me defines about Dr. Shilpy Dolas who is among the most skilled and also recognized breast cancer surgeon specialist in Pune. Her area of expertise is not only limited to breast cancer surgeries but also expertise in- breast cancer breast pain fibroadenoma fibroadenoma treatment breast lump treatment at home hard breast lump breast enlargement breast reduction nipple discharge armpit lump breast pain this website defines all these issues.